Catalysing youth-driven action for safer cities.

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For young people to thrive, urban environments need to be just, inclusive, and safe. They need to have adequate and accessible public spaces that stimulate positive social interactions and wellbeing. And young people should have a say in shaping these urban environments and experiences.
The phrase “safe and sound” evokes feelings of happiness, security, and peace.
“Safe and sound” inspired the name of our programme, as it aligns with our vision of what cities should be.
In fact, the name was suggested by Mohamed Abulfadl, a young sixteen-year-old from Egypt, in an international competition for young people!
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The S²Cities Programme (Safe and Sound Cities Programme) aims to improve young people’s safety and wellbeing in urban environments.
Focusing on young people between the ages of 15 and 24, the programme will engage local governments, institutions, the private sector, community actors, and young people. Together, we will create platforms for meaningful youth engagement in ideating and implementing solutions to safety and inclusivity challenges.
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
Driving Systemic Change
S²Cities is an open and iterative programme based on a cyclical process of system understanding, building capacities, prototyping solutions, and improving and scaling solutions.

Our Approach

theory of change icon for understanding systems
Step 1

Understanding Systems

theory of change icon for building capacities
Step 2

Building Capacities

theory of change icon for catalysing innovation
Step 3

Catalysing Innovation

theory of change icon for scaling systems
Step 4

Enabling Implementation

theory of change icon for enabling implementation
Step 5

Scaling Systems

Step 1

Understanding Systems

Reveals tactical triggers for change
  • Looking at safety from young people’s perspective
  • Examining the interrelations of safety issues which affect young people
  • Analysing the root causes of safety issues
Learning Framework
Stakeholder Mapping
Systemic Analysis
Participatory Data Collection
Step 2

Building Capacities

Fosters long-term sustainable change
  • Connecting actors and building networks
  • Creating inclusive structures for decision-making
  • Developing capacities of youth and public and private sector actors to sustain change
Gap Research
Private Sector Engagement
Youth Empowerment
Step 3

Catalysing Innovation

Challenges the status quo
  • Applying design thinking methodology
  • Framing new mindsets to tackle complex safety issues
  • Harnessing young people’s creativity to solve local challenges
Selection & Launch
Implementation & Monitoring
Step 4

Enabling Implementation

Supports funding & partnerships
  • ⁠Launching initiatives and securing implementation partners
  • Developing plans with youth and gaining stakeholder support
  • Boosting fundraising and ongoing support for one year
Collaborative partnerships
Monitoring and Evaluation
Co-funding and Resource Mobilisation
Step 5

Scaling Systems

Generates widespread change
  • Adapting and improving methods to fit local contexts
  • Scaling the learnings to other cities
  • Changing the system on a personal, societal, and environmental level
Global Learning Network
Safer cities created for and with young people.
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Our Approach
Step 1
theory of change icon for understanding systems

Understanding Systems

Reveals tactical triggers for change
  • Looking at safety from young people’s perspective
  • Examining the interrelations of safety issues which affect young people
  • Analysing the root cause of safety issues
Learning Framework
Stakeholder Mapping
Systemic Analysis
Participatory Data Collection
Step 2
theory of change icon for building capacities

Building Capacities

Fosters long-term sustainable change
  • Connecting actors and building networks
  • Creating inclusive structures for decision-making
  • Developing capacities of youth and public and private sector actors to sustain change
Gap Research
Private Sector Engagement
Youth Empowerment
Step 3
theory of change icon for catalysing innovation

Catalysing Innovation

Challenges the status quo
  • Applying design thinking methodology
  • Framing new mindsets to tackle complex safety issues
  • Harnessing young people’s creativity to solve local challenges
Selection & Launch
Implementation & Monitoring
Step 4
theory of change icon for scaling systems

Enabling Implementation

Supports funding & partnerships
  • ⁠Launching initiatives and securing implementation partners
  • Developing plans with youth and gaining stakeholder support
  • Boosting fundraising and ongoing support for one year
Collaborative partnerships
Monitoring and Evaluation
Co-funding and Resource Mobilisation
Step 5
theory of change icon for scaling systems

Scaling Systems

Generates widespread change
  • Adapting and improving methods to fit local contexts
  • Scaling the learnings to other cities
  • Changing the system on a personal, societal, and environmental level
Global Learning Network
While aligning with these larger goals, local partners design their own methodology according to the local context and the city’s needs and priorities. Youth engagement is central to all stages of the programme.

Programme Cities & Timeline

In the pilot phase (2021-22), the programme launched in two growing secondary cities, where young people and their wellbeing feature prominently in the national and local agenda.
Our work in these cities is made possible through our collaboration with ICLEI, a global network of 2500+ local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. ICLEI’s Regional Offices play a key role in securing partnerships with local governments for the S²Cities Programme. They also support local implementation through partner organisations with strong local networks and expertise in grassroots-level impact.


By 2050, 60% of Indonesia’s population is estimated to reside in urban areas. Bandung, its 4th largest city, is expected to accommodate some of this population growth, a large proportion of which will be young people. Along with ICLEI Southeast Asia, WRI Indonesia will support Bandung’s youth to proactively contribute to policymaking for urban safety, engaging young people in research and formalising a youth consultative group for the local government.



With Colombia’s youth population projected to peak in 2030 at 8.8 million, there is a growing national interest in creating avenues for youth engagement in political and civic matters. In alignment with this agenda, our local partner Fundación Mi Sangre, in collaboration with ICLEI South America, will engage local young people with experience in community volunteering and advocacy to strengthen their capacity to catalyse change.



Cuenca is the third largest city in Ecuador with over a third of its population under the age of 20. Youth development sits high on the city’s agenda, and the city welcomes collaborations with organizations and institutions that focus on promoting entrepreneurship among youth. Huasipichanga together with Fundación Amaru and Integrar will lead local implementation activities in Cuenca. They will involve young people in reinventing and revitalizing urban public spaces using nature-based design solutions.



Baguio is a highly-urbanized city with 65.5% of its population below the age of 30. In 2022, the Baguio City Council approved the ‘Youth Welfare and Empowerment Code’ to ensure young people’s participation in government decisions by promoting leadership development. Cordilleran Youth Centre (CYC), our local implementation partner in the city, is committed to youth empowerment and community development and is focused on promoting social justice, human rights, and the welfare of indigenous and young people. CYC will reach Baguio’s youth by partnering with schools and community youth groups.



Ambato has a population of 0.4 million, with a median age of 28 years. Following Ecuador’s ‘Constitution Article 39’ that ensures young people’s participation in governance, the local government in Ambato is committed to involving young people in public decision-making and management of public affairs. Huasipichanga together with Fundación Tandem and CorpoAmbato will target 18000+ young people to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable economic development. They will use placemaking and systems thinking strategies to co-create solutions with young people to address issues of traffic congestion, mobility, and safety.


Naga (Camarines Sur)

Naga, a small city in the Philippines, is a city of young people with nearly 55% of its population dominated by children and youth. The local government in the city is known for its good governance practices. WeSolve foundation, as the S²Cities local implementation partner, will harness the power of collective action to scale innovative solutions and bring about systems change in Naga. WeSolve, in collaboration with subject experts and the local government, endeavors to empower young individuals by enabling them to transition from being problem owners to problem solvers!

Following the pilot phase, we aim to expand our multi-year programme to ten secondary cities across the Global South, seeking co-funding to scale its implementation.

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